You know you’re a Kabri archaeologist when…

13 07 2009

Jillian Mallis Jillian Mallis writes:

You know you’re a Kabri archaeologist when…

1. a reference to a Marshalltown no longer means a town in Pennsylvania you’ve never heard of.

2. the water in the shower turns brown from dirt

3. staring at a wall is exciting beyond words

4. you are prepared to be taken

5. you look like a peeing dog while trying to get the dirt out of your shoe

6. you can use the sun to tell the time

7. you can’t tell the difference between a tan line or a “dirt line”

8. you can’t tell if someone has poured a bottle of water on your head or if you are simply sweating

9. you projectile sweat

10. you stick things in your mouth just to see what they are